Monday, August 30, 2010

Snow on the Prairie

Before writing this post, I had to ask Memaw (my dad’s mother) if our family was the only family that called Snow on the Prairie, Snow on the Prairie, or if that was the universal name. This is a very important question to ask you see, because there are some names our family has for things that are not universal. For instance, inch worms. The green ones with little round heads that look like this: 

A "Brother"

My dad calls these “Brothers” always has. Memaw can’t explain it. He just started calling them that one day and never stopped.

Or the little black and white jumping spiders. My ENTIRE life I have called those Oscar spiders, because their name is Oscar Tewilliger and they are a spider. Oscar spiders. That is just what they are. But alas, I found out in college sometime that they aren’t actually Oscar spiders to the rest of the world. The first time I called one an Oscar spider in front of a non-family member I got one heck of a funny look. This name-change we can blame on Memaw. She is the one who named them Oscar Tewilliger Spiders, and what Big Momma says goes. Needless to say, I now and forever will call them Oscar Spiders.

The first time I was giggling uncontrollably in front of JD, I apologized and told him I had the ya-yas. He looked at me with a confused expression and said, “You have the what’s?” The ya-yas. You know, it’s late at night and you laugh at everything whether it is funny or not and then you try to stop and you laugh even more and maybe snort? You, my friend, have the ya-yas.

Oh, and he didn’t know what  a bo-bo was either! Even when I pointed to my hiney and said, “You know, my bo-bo.” Still didn’t get it. Some people are just sheltered I suppose.

But, Snow on the Prairie is why I am writing to you today. Snow on the Prairie is a weed-wildflower thing that grows here in the late summer. Memaw told me that there is also Snow on the Mountain that looks very similar, apparently they  have a different petal shape. Memaw also told me that the actual name is Snow on the Prairie and that isn’t just some name that our family made up. Snow on the Prairie is very aptly named because when it is growing all throughout a pasture it looks like snow, on the prairie. See how that works? 

What is ironic about the name is that Snow on the Prairie grows and blooms in August, when it is 100+ degrees outside. I think it is God’s way of reminding us that there is cooler weather coming. It is a way of saying, “I know it is as hot as blazes out there now, but someday there will be snow on the prairie again.” It is like our own Texas rainbow; a promise from the Lord that he will not wipe man from the face of the earth by scorching them to death.

Or maybe this is just a coping device that I made up.

This is a close-up of the flower (weed as Papa Bear would call it).

Snow on the Prairie

Pretty, isn’t it? Now picture this multiplied times 1000 and spread all across a pasture at sunset. Having trouble? Allow me to help…

That is Snow on the Prairie, and it makes me smile.

Aunt Michelle (that’s right I’m an aunt!)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Italian Cream Soda

So, I have been a slacker this week and to make up for it I am going to show you how to make the best drink on earth. Seems like a fairly even trade to me! What makes it even better is that it only requires three ingredients, all readily available, AND to top it all off it is extremely addictive! So, if you haven’t forgiven me by now, I just don’t know what to say to you. Well, besides pretty please, will you forgive me? I am really sorry and I promise I didn’t forget about you.

I know that I mentioned making Italian Cream Soda in my post about Memaw’s Cinnamon Rolls, but it is so delicious I believe that it deserves its own post. That and I don’t want you to miss out on this experience in life. I first learned to love Italian Cream Sodas when I was a wee lad, about 2 months ago. My cousins, Katie and Anna, and I meet for bible study every Monday at Art Six in Denton and they make these there. It is a super cool coffee shop that is in an old house. It is actually where John Darrin and I had our first date! He asked me if I would like to go get coffee with him and I said yes! I didn’t mention that I despise all things coffee related. I ordered hot chocolate.

But, that story isn’t why we are all here. We are here for Italian Cream Soda. Here is what you need: 

Perrier carbonated mineral water, Vanilla flavoring syrup, and half & half. That’s it! See, it is even healthy! I got fat free half & half because it is easier on my sometimes volatile stomach. And the Perrier is just water, or as their website says, “Perrier contains only mineral salts and carbonation (CO2). It contains no sugar, caffeine or calories.” And it is French, so you know it is good! And finally, the Vanilla flavoring syrup which probably isn’t great for you, but it sure does taste good!

Here is how it all goes together.

In a super cool 7-UP glass that your grandfather that you never met made from the old bottles and you found in your grandmother’s garage about to be thrown away so you rescued them and brought them home and have a nine piece set that you adore- put some ice. Next put maybe a tablespoon of vanilla syrup and about half of the .5L bottle of Perrier. Doesn’t it look delish?

But we can’t stop there! Next pour in about a tablespoon of half & half and stir.

It should look like white water.

Mmm, now taste and see if you need to add any more of anything. I like it when it has a very light vanilla flavor. It is super refreshing and gulpable (definition of gulpable: easily gulped).

So there you go! I hope that you make this soon. You will love me even more than you already do, and I know you already do.

A few tips: Perrier is found in the water aisle at Wal-mart and the vanilla syrup is next to the coffee stuff (yuck).

I hope that you have a great weekend! We are expecting a new baby in the family any day now! I will keep you posted!

Love ya,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

White Trash on 75

I'm from Arkansas.  Many Texans like to "comment" about my origin with stuff like "Any of your cousins married?",  "Know anyone with a full set of teeth?",  "Did you wear shoes to school?", get the picture?  Most of the time I just let them roll off my back, but if I'm having a bad day watch out!  Anyways, I usually respond that 'yes, you will find rednecks in Arkansas, but there are rednecks everywhere!  Including Texas!'  Well, as I was running errands the other day I happened upon striking evidence that rednecks do exist in Texas.  Low and behold there was a woman tanning on the back of an ole' beat up truck!!!  I was about to pass them when I saw this, I burst out laughing at this crazy attempt, and then I scrambled for my phone to take some pics, and here they are...

If you can't tell she was laying on a mattress with her earphones in and sunglasses on, also she had cool refreshment in her igloo cooler beside her.  Notice her other friends did not want to join her and smushed together side by side in ole'Bessie (that is what I'm naming their truck).  Also, take note of the essential redneck touches like the back flap (Michelle, whats the name for this?) instead they have stacked some 2 x 4's as a stand-in.  Goodness gracious.  So next time any of you Texans want to poke at the interesting characters that reside in Arkansas why don't you take a minute and look at the characters in your own state.  ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Beautiful Sky

It rained! And praise the Lord because we needed it. It was getting pretty dusty and brown out here. A few days after the rain it is dusty and brown again, but the respite was nice! What made the rain even better was the sunset afterward, my goodness it was beautiful! John Darrin and I happened to be at Mom and Dad's house (Hi Mom! Hi Dad! I will hopefully see you at the hospital soon to welcome a little baby into the world! (Hurry up, Candace!))

This is the storm rolling in. The wind was picking up and blowing like crazy. It felt just awesome outside. You can see the rain coming in from the south west in this picture. 

This picture isn’t necessarily beautiful or anything, I just like to look at it and remember what rain looks like.

We got a good inch of rain in about 20 minutes. It was a downpour of biblical proportions. Well, almost kind of maybe a little bit- alright, not at all. But it was refreshing!

Then the rain let up and turned into a nice drizzle, the sun began to set and turned the entire sky to the most spectacular orange.

The plants enjoyed their baths and everything seemed refreshed and full of life again. It is amazing how much a little bit of rain helps out. You can water all day long and your plants will look alright, but then it rains and they spring back to life!

Such a difference between the green grass and the plowed pasture out front.

As the sun continued to set and the rain continued drizzling, the sky morphed into an awesome canvas with the most vibrant oranges, and pinks, and yellows, and reds.

And then it was dark! It was a heck of a way to end the day. I am pretty sure that I could handle that kind of ending every day of my life!

Praying for more rain,

Friday, August 20, 2010

Funny Photos

I couldn't decide between Funny Fotos, Phunny Photos, or Funny Photos. Anyways, I wanted to share some funny stuff that I have come across the past week. Last Friday my marvelous friend Paige and I went to a show at the Prophet Bar in Deep Ellum to see The Beaten Sea and when we went to the ladies room I just happen to go into the stall where my alter ego Myranda had been! I guess that's where I've been when I have those black outs where I don't remember long periods of time. I really should get that checked out.

Yesterday, I got the wonderful opportunity to go on a treasure hunt with Sandra! As we were on our way to our local Goodwill we happened upon this...
Doesn't it look like Big Al's Church! That'd be awesome to get to eat pizza during a sermon! Upon arriving at Goodwill I found some botanist plates displaying species I had never heard of!

I'd like to visit the remote country where they found these!  Except that Phattfacia Stupenda kinda scares me a little bit.  
Now for some oldies but goodies, these are some pictures I took while working behind a computer all day, Michelle can attest that when you get bored you start to do weird stuff, just take a look...
Don't you dare think about touching my lunch in the fridge!
I swear, it wasn't me!


You might be wondering what that white string coming from my ear is...No it is not a new form of jewelery, however I do want to try wearing different earrings that are asymmetrical, but maybe people would think it was like I accidentally put two different socks on my feet (this has actually happened to me before, and they were like crazy weird patterns so it wasn't discreet).  It is in fact my earphone of sanity, for without music or librivox (Michelle, we should do a posting on this with our fav books and readers to listen to!) I would most likely go insane, again Michelle can attest.  I hope this has brightened your day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Sweet Gift

I got to eat lunch with Miranda the other day and she surprised me with a present! I just love presents, and Miranda always gives the best ones! For my birthday last year she gave me this:

An Edith Piaf 45 (that’s a record) with La Vie En Rose on it. One of my absolute favorite songs! I first fell in love with this song while watching the original Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn. It is probably my favorite movie of all time. Oh, it just makes me smile to think about it!

I wish I had this dress.
And somewhere fancy to wear it, gloves and all!
The outfits that she had and that awesome haircut. Ah, I wish that those styles would come back around! 

I would wear this in a heartbeat.
 I wish I could pull off that haircut too!
(John Darrin would NOT go for that at all!)
Just one last picture. I want this dress so badly.
Why don't they make dresses like this anymore?
 I told JD the other day that I want to buy a petticoat
because I like the fluffy-skirt look.
One area where Miranda and I differ is which Sabrina we think is better. I love the old one and she loves the new one. It has caused many issues in our relationship, but I am happy to report that we have resolved them all and agree to disagree! Back to Miranda...

Miranda is just so thoughtful with her gifts. Well, Tuesday she came to eat with me at work and brought me another present that was just perfect.

This awesome handkerchief. She got it at the estate sale that she blogged about here. And then embroidered the B on it herself!

Isn't it gorgeous? I just love all of the colors. They work together so beautifully.

The hand-stitched-with-love bright blue 'B'.
The pinks and reds of the flowers just pop.
And then the awesome greens and yellows.
All the colors come together so beautifully!
And I love that she hand-stitched the B on it.

 I think that presents that people have put some time and thought and effort into are the best. I need to work on being better at giving these types of gifts, instead of just handing someone a gift card or $20. These types of gifts just mean so much more to the recipient.

Thank you, Miranda, for my new hanky! I love it! And I love you!!

So, if anyone has any examples of gifts that they have given or received that had thought put into them and meant so much to the recipient, I would love to hear about them!
