Miranda & Michelle
My name is Michelle Barker. I am the “Country Chick” of our duo. I live in Bolivar, Texas with my husband John Darrin (sometimes referred to as JD, good-lookin’, and babe.) We got married June 19th, 2009 and live a mile down the road from my parents’ house where I grew up, so I’ve been here my whole life. Bolivar consists of a four-way stop with two gas stations (the second one has only been open for maybe two years now) and 2 churches. Bolivar is not incorporated, meaning it doesn’t have a post office or a school or its own zip code or city limits. It is little and lovely and wonderful. I would estimate that the population of Bolivar is around 100.
John Darrin and I met through the college ministry at Denton Bible Church. He is a great man of God who loves Jesus and me and his Momma and his horse. (I am not sure about that order by the way; his horse might be higher on the list.) He is from San Saba, Texas; a beautiful small town in the Texas Hill country. He is a fifth-generation San Saban and (if I got this right) a sixth-generation Texan. He has roots, and I like that.
I met Miranda “City Chick” (sometimes referred to as Maruja or Maru) through the same college ministry at Denton Bible Church. We were in a bible study together in 2007 and have been great friends ever since. We are so different it is really quite comical, but at the same time so alike. She once had pink highlights in her hair; hair dye has never touched my hair. She loves tall buildings and busy city life, I love swinging on a porch swing in the middle of nowhere. She loves crazy rock music that no one has heard of, and I love Texas Swing music that I can dance to with my husband. She lives in Uptown Dallas; I live in downtown Bolivar. However, she loves Jesus; I love Jesus. She loves John Wayne; I love John Wayne. She loves the new Sabrina; I love the old Sabrina. And we are perfect together!
Hello! I’m Miranda Murphy aka “City Chick”. I grew up in Conway, Arkansas; but have been visiting Dallas all my life. I love big cities, the excitement, the colors, the lights, the hopeful adventures to be had! I came to Denton (right above Dallas) to get a degree in Interior Design from University of North Texas, a college known for their great art programs. Growing up, I was inspired to do Interior Design from playing Barbies and watching HGTV, I wanted a job where I could be creative every day! However, after a few years in the industry, it hasn’t turned out how I expected and I have realized that my dreams of decorating (Barbie) houses all day has changed to wanting to help people come to know Jesus.
Right now I live in the heart of Uptown in Dallas, Texas. My roomie Elissa and I do a ministry called Apartment Life where we get to put on the community events for our apartment and get to meet some really awesome neighbors!
I love to do crafts, dance in the car, daydream, listen to “crazy rock” music, and hang out with people. When I first met Michelle I thought she wouldn’t like me because we were complete opposites, I mean c’mon she loves playing sports, drove a huge truck, and worked cattle on vacations. Although, over time we found out we both have a passion for knowing Jesus, love authenticity, John Wayne, and being creative.
So neat ladies!! I can tell it's gonna be great. :)
ReplyDeletethat picture is adorable. you guys better post pictures of all your crafty ideas so us "common folk" can make them!!!! :)