I couldn't decide between Funny Fotos, Phunny Photos, or Funny Photos. Anyways, I wanted to share some funny stuff that I have come across the past week. Last Friday my marvelous friend Paige and I went to a show at the Prophet Bar in Deep Ellum to see The Beaten Sea and when we went to the ladies room I just happen to go into the stall where my alter ego Myranda had been! I guess that's where I've been when I have those black outs where I don't remember long periods of time. I really should get that checked out.
Yesterday, I got the wonderful opportunity to go on a treasure hunt with Sandra! As we were on our way to our local Goodwill we happened upon this...
Doesn't it look like Big Al's Church! That'd be awesome to get to eat pizza during a sermon! Upon arriving at Goodwill I found some botanist plates displaying species I had never heard of!
I'd like to visit the remote country where they found these! Except that Phattfacia Stupenda kinda scares me a little bit.
Now for some oldies but goodies, these are some pictures I took while working behind a computer all day, Michelle can attest that when you get bored you start to do weird stuff, just take a look...
EEeeeeeccccKKkkkkkk... |
Don't you dare think about touching my lunch in the fridge! |
I swear, it wasn't me! |
Oops |
wait...what? |
You might be wondering what that white string coming from my ear is...No it is not a new form of jewelery, however I do want to try wearing different earrings that are asymmetrical, but maybe people would think it was like I accidentally put two different socks on my feet (this has actually happened to me before, and they were like crazy weird patterns so it wasn't discreet). It is in fact my earphone of sanity, for without music or librivox (Michelle, we should do a posting on this with our fav books and readers to listen to!) I would most likely go insane, again Michelle can attest. I hope this has brightened your day!
We really need to do a Librivox post! And I love your pictures. Oh, and those plates are stinkin' awesome! I think I would have bought them!
ReplyDeleteCheck this out:
Hahah! Well next time I go to that Goodwill if they are still there I will get them!
ReplyDeleteum... please, I need a Librivox post?
ReplyDeleteGosh, this is so weird. I'm from San Antonio Texas and my mom had those plates hanging in our breakfast room growing up. I was just thinking about "Phatfacia Stupenda", googled it and the pictures from your blog came up. Do you think they are still there after all this time? Where is the goodwill as I might go look for it. : )